Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fitness, Vacation & Tahiti. Top 5 strategies for success! defines vacation as literally meaning 'freedom from something'.  A change of pace is a pause that refreshes and does the whole person good.

Vacation fitness is about staying active either through structured workouts and/or activities. So here  is a recent vacation experience to inspire you. Yes I know it is Tahiti but your trainers have reenacted this scenario from East Coast to West Coast to International Places, small towns, big cities and in wilderness areas. Most recently Laughlin....we always have a plan A but we are also ready to go with plan Z!

1. Plan & Prioritize Goals: Tahiti 10 days.
Do want to maintain sanity and fitness. Do want to relax and have fun with family. Don't want to lose cardio base and don't want to go back to Metabolic a sissy!
Traveling with 10 other people. Mostly open itinerary. Time difference 3 hours. Don't know if gym will be available.
Goal is 30 minute workouts alternating with 30-60 minute runs. Plan B get in 30 minutes collectively of high intensity even if for 10 minutes at a time. Create two body weight metabolic workouts, one TRX workout. Alternate workouts with running. Bonus activities: kayaking, paddle boarding, swimming and snorkeling. Build in relaxation...massage, beach time and lose the watch after the workout!

2. Time Flex: Workout when the time is available.
Earlier is better for success but having a plan will make it happen anytime of day. Time with my family was important to me so I worked to keep balance but when I knew they were all headed for swimming...see ya!

run was on the agenda...not sure when but I had my running shoes with me and when the opportunity came up ...bye bye flip flops, hello Moorea! Lesson learned: People look at you weird when you run the worst time of day. Was sweating like a dude!

3. Workout Flex: 
Plans change with a big group I was planning on doing a 30 minute Metabolic but I have 60 minutes right now and tomorrow I won't. Worse case scenario, day off later in the week may becomes your day off today. Roll with it. You are sticking to a rule not an exception so let the exception be just that. You might be neurotic but your not psychotic! :)

Moorea (Tahitian for yellow lizard) is a beautiful place to run. Hot and humid, best running temps in February are in the early morning or evening (that was difficult).  Beautiful mountain peaks surrounded by white beaches and aqua lagoons, fruit trees line the road and coconuts hang in abundance. Only one road around the island. Had to be the guinea pig, yep, this is a really cool place to be.

4. Lay of the Land
In advance: Forums on Trip Advisor and google searches for blogs about the islands we would be visiting proved to be informative and helpful. Little things like, pack a flashlight (because you walk to dinner and it is dark) and your own mini first aid kit (because things like aspirin, sunscreen..are pricey).  
While there: A map of the island showed what run options were available and a tour of the resort guided by a guest agent acquainted us with the layout of our home away from home. Every tree was  getting eyeballed for a TRX. Turned out the bungalow provided the best spot. The beach was a perfect place to find shade for metabolic workouts! 

Bungalow was made for TRX. Christian thought it looked so fun that he did a few rows and pushups. 

 Bora Bora bungalow had a great railing with a two tier deck that overlooked the lagoon. Felt like a bit of an adventure to hang out over the water for the chest presses and rows, exhilarating even in the heat.
Metabolic beach. Hotter than a pistol but the views...! Sure you get weird looks from people in lounge chairs but is that a problem? 

5. Make it fun!
Being fitness minded on a trip does not mean you have to do structured workouts but for some of us that is fun! Be active. There is always plenty of lounge time. Every destination has activities that provide you with unique experiences that you only get by getting involved. It is amazing how much time flies by when you are absorbed in activities...stress levels lower, you laugh and have fun with your family and/or friends and then a general feeling of wellbeing runs through you and...yes ma'am I think I will have dessert tonight!:)

We all got to try paddle boarding for the first time. The accomplishment of something new gave all of us a euphoric feeling and a sense of camaraderie. We stayed at locations that provided abundant opportunities to paddle board, kayak, snorkel, swim and even mini golf, which we all did at our own leisure. Cool result? Got to swim with sting rays in the lagoon and see the most amazing fish on coral reefs!

Summary: Put your stamp on your vacation and share it with us. We absolutely love getting your pics when you are even just in the next town doing something active. We have gotten pictures from Metabolic Warriors hiking in Montana and in Colorado. We got proof of a TRX being used in Texas. We got a video of a Warrior taking on the 100 Squat challenge. We got pics of a TRX being used in Washington State overlooking a lake. Whether you are doing a workout or another activity please send a picture or video to us, either through email or text and we will share it on our blog. Being active is fun and contagious so share your contagion!

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