Monday, January 7, 2013

Squat to Stretch

The squat is not just a strengthening exercise, but can also be used to stretch, aid  recovery, and prevent injury.  Our bodies are made to move, not sit, and most of us spend many hours a day sitting.  In addition to postural imbalances, long periods of sitting causes tight hip muscles which impact the back and lower body.  The squat stretch is an easy exercise to do at home or work. 

Begin by standing with your feet slightly wider than hip width.  Point your toes slightly outward and keep you knees in line with your toes.  Lower your chest toward the floor as you bend your knees and sit back. You can place your elbows on the inside of your knees and gently press outward to help stretch the adductors as well.  As you squat, your heels may come up off the ground.  As you repeat the exercise and you gain more range of motion you should be able to perform the squat with your heels remaining on the ground and gain more depth and range of motion.

Initially, if you lack the balance and mobility to perform the squat as in the image above, start by holding onto a wall, counter, pole, or other stable object.  With repeated practice you gain the mobility and balance needed to progress to squatting without holding onto an object.

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