Monday, September 3, 2012


Health clubs and fitness professionals know that anywhere from 50 to 80% of people who begin an exercise program will dropout before 6 months, giving an exercise adherence rate of only 20% to 50% at best.  We can boast of an exercise adherence rate of 60 to 70% with our metabolic program.  Why?  While we like to think it is because you like us :-) we know there are many other factors involved.  Accountability plays a very large role.  If you have accountability to your objectives, you are much more likely to be successful in reaching your goal.  Exercising with a group and with a fitness trainer automatically makes you more accountable. 

What happens when you miss a training?  It is likely that the person who works out next to you will ask where you were...  whether or not you are okay.  Why do you think we ask you to let us know when you will miss a training?  We care about you and we want to keep you on track with your fitness program.  That is why when you miss a training without letting us know, you may get a call or an email checking in on you!

In addition to keeping you accountable and successful with your fitness, we also want to assist you with your nutrition and weight loss goals.  You have heard us many times urging you to not sabotage or "undo" all of your sweat and hard effort with a poor diet.  You have also heard us reinforce that you cannot out-train a poor diet.  In our inquiries and search for a great nutrition app, one of our participants recommended MYNETDIARY.  It is an app that you can download to your phone, or you can go online to  The app allows you to easily track your food and beverage intake for the day as well as your energy expenditure through exercise and daily activities. 

As we have mentioned in prior blog postings, all calories are not necessarily created equal since they have different effects on the hormones that regulate hunger cravings and feelings of satisfaction.  Also, the quality of calories can be even more important than the quantity of calories.  However, the fact remains that most people underestimate the number of calories they consume and overestimate the number of calories they burn.  Therefore, using an app that tracks calories consumed and burned can be a reality check.  The app will also give you a nutrition breakdown of carbs, protein, fat, fiber, etc.  This can be a good way to recognize poor habits and make positive changes in your diet. 

If you have a fat loss/weight loss goal, we encourage you to try the app or the online version for two weeks.  This will help you to identify patterns and areas for improvement.  Once you have identified your problem areas, if you need assistance in making changes, we can offer suggestions to help you reach your goal.

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