Tuesday, July 31, 2012


July 31, 2012
There are rewards for early morning workouts and this is one of them. The sunrise was incredibly beautiful this morning! A fine way to start a bike ride, 10 miles followed by a TRX workout. Early mornings are not for everyone we know, so just make sure you schedule your workout for a time you are most likely to do it, then do it.
We have blog followers that are keeping tabs on us from afar. Thank you for your support. Today we give kudos to Joanna & Brent a couple living in the hot Valley city of Anthem Arizona. They have been focusing on working out 5 to 6 days a week despite the heat and that is commendable.  It takes  mental determination to leave the comfort of your a/c to go sweat. Good job guys! Readers, please send us your stories and questions, any workout or triumph you have no matter how small is a significant contribution to good health. So what is your story or question? Email us: smartfitnesstraining@yahoo.com

Monday, July 30, 2012

Ready to get your workout groove on?

July 30, 2012
Metabolic begins this Wednesday, August 1st at Big Park School, 5:15 p.m. This is a great week to make sure you attend because there is just one training and it will be basic metabolic exercises. That means that if you are feeling a little apprehensive, don't worry, it is just 30 minutes! We have all had a metabolic break so it will be completely normal to have to push a little harder to get used to the exercises, but the foundation you built prior to the break is still there and it will help you get acclimated to the training more quickly. On your off days from metabolic make it a practice to be getting some good brisk walks in. Cardio guidelines say 30 minutes a day and that can be broken up into three 10 minute segments or you can do it all at once. The key is to get your heart rate up so no meandering. Have a route in mind and set a time goal. A brisk walk on an exertion level 1 -10 should be around an 8 or more. That means a little heavy breathing and not much talking! Also, don't forget the water! Humid weather means more sweating and lost fluids so replenish as needed. Sherry and I had the pleasure of a hot and humid run early today, the clouds were hanging unusually low and it created a very scenic run. Post-run was your metabolic workout for this week..we survived, with a smile of accomplishment at the end. And so will you. :-)
Low hanging clouds over the red rocks created a scenic run that we don't get too often.

Tried hitching a ride but no one seems to be up at this hour!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Keep Moving

July 26, 2012

The finish line is just the beginning of a whole new race. -Unknown

You are down to your last week of working out on your own! We are excited to bring you Metabolic starting August 1st! Check the website smartfitnessaz.com for the schedule in the Village and in Cottonwood. While a few of the core group are still out of town the majority are gearing up to go full speed ahead. We have also added a one day a week TRX program, 30 minutes of metabolic suspension training! Check the website for day and time. You do need to have a TRX to participate and if you do not have your own we do have a few we can rent on a per training basis. You will also need to let us know if you intend to take TRX.

Great things are being done during July....Stacy, Calvin and Kate have all run 5ks and met great time goals! Keep up the good work! Emily has been staying strong and true to workouts throughout the whole month of July and is planning on continuing into August while out of town! Jerry and Jackie have been working out in the gym and Jackie is getting to know her TRX pretty well! Sherry and I have been beating the heat with early morning biking, running and TRX workouts and even through all that we have to say that we are missing the Metabolic! Stay with your programs just a little while longer...we look forward to seeing you next week!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Reflections & Forward Looking

 Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. -Lou Holtz

It is our desire that through our experience you will be inspired and encouraged to see the possibilities available to you, see the strength and determination in pre-planning your activities, and see the joy that comes from the accomplishment. While on the road we have heard good reports...one individual while in Idaho hiked up to a lake that was at 10,000 feet (we have done the hike and it is a strenuous 2,000'+ climb) Good job! Two other people took advantage of fitness rooms at their hotels to keep up with the July program that we gave out. Others have been keeping up with TRX training and still others have been spotted out running and working out in a local gym. Great job to all of you! Please email us or comment on our blog about what you have been doing, we love to hear from you, it inspires us.

August is around the corner. We look forward to seeing you in Metabolic starting August 1st. Please go to our website for the schedule. http://www.smartfitnessaz.com/. TRX group training is a new addition to offerings in The Village. Stay tuned for more info.

Montana Windup

Monday July 16, 2012
Monday starts with a run. Clear skies and cool temps make it perfect. The thought of sitting and traveling home makes our legs want to run and our minds want to take in one more Montana memory. We have the best run since the marathon! The brain and body connected and 6.7 miles flew by! During every run this week we have seen the same two ladies walking a dog. It has somehow been encouraging to see them so consistently so we can't help but say farewell and we tell them we will miss seeing them on our runs. So never underestimate the encouragement that you provide to those that see you exercising, even if it is just walking a dog. The last 3/4 mile is always up the ski mountain, the breathing becomes more labored and the legs feel the effort but part way through a doe crosses the road in front of us with two spotted fawns! What a way to end a run! What a way to end a great adventure!

Sunday Funday?

Sunday July 15, 2012
Up early for a run. The air is humid and you can smell the threat of rain but it is dry so we hustle out into the early morning for an hour run. It is the first day that I have run and not felt like a I was pushing a brick wall. Side note: This is not typical post marathon recovery. Generally, crosstraining with other activities is preferable to running but you do what you have to, and for us our option is to run, so we do it at an easy pace. This morning is different though, the muscles are already feeling primed for a good run and there is no wall-pushing for Sherry or myself. Midway through the sky opens up and a torrential downpour creates a memorable experience of sloshing shoes and rain running off of us. No hydroplaning, all is good, and we finish up with big smiles. A break in rain inspires us to drive up to the ski area for the views where we hang out for awhile and shoot the breeze. This mountain offers ziplining and has a healthy crowd of downhill  Mt. bikers. Maybe next visit. Another good day has gone by.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sedona Trainers take TRX to Montana

Saturday July 14, 2012

Are you wondering if we workout on vacation? The answer is yes! We start each day with a run. Note to self: think twice before booking a house on the side of ski hill! What goes up must come down and that is what we do each day we run. No complaints, we love it! Fairly steep as Dave will tell you. I think he lost a lung on the uphill portion but managed to recover it on the downhill. We are also using our TRX to stay up on our strength training. Another recommend...Julbo sunglasses...we have worn them everywhere, including black tunnels! The lenses transition according to lighting conditions and they have been tested on runs, hikes and biking. Southwest Eye Center can line you up.

Idaho Hiawatha Rail Trail

Thursday July 12, 2012
No sleeping in on this trip! Up early for a 3 hour drive to the Idaho-Montana border. We are riding the Hiawatha Rail Trail, 15 miles of downhill! In the 70's this rail system went bankrupt and it was later acquired by a group that worked diligently to turn it into a biking/hiking path. It is set in beautiful tree covered mountains and it has 10 tunnels with the longest being 1.8 miles! Very dark, wet and cool...exciting to ride through. 9 trestles go over deep gorges and as we said it is downhill! At the bottom a shuttle takes part of our group back to the parking lot but not for us. Sherry and I planned to ride the 15 miles back up which translates to a 1000 foot climb. Pshah! No big deal...50 ounces of liquids later and farmer burned arms we made it! The best part? In the 1.8 mile tunnel it is wet and muddy so you emerge out the other end covered in mud! A great way to end a great day! A return 3 hour trip home but a stop at the Tamarack Brewery in Lakeside (Flathead Lake Area) is the pause that refreshed! Highly recommended for recovery after a hard day of play! Our souvenir of the day is the mud marks flung up on the back of our shorts and shirts..oh well...it was worth it.
post ride-still smiling

White Water Fears

Wednesday July 11, 2012
White water what?! Rafting! Wild River Raft Company outfits us in some 'snug as a bug in a rug' life preservers and helmets. Brad is our guide and he is funny. I have been rafting once, in Yellowstone...but that is not enough to make my nightmares of flying out of the raft into the freezing Middle Flathead River go away. So it is with much apprehension that I ride the short bus (with helmet and life preserver on) to the drop in point...meanwhile Sherry is all smiles. Turns out it is pretty stinkin fun! We are told that we are visiting at the best time for rafting.  The water has dropped enough from the winter runoff to create some amazing rapids. So here is where some serious metabolic pays off! We powered through some tough stuff but most important in my book is that we kept the raft upright! Dave takes a huge hit for the team when he takes a rapid head on, he shoots straight up and then back down into my lap. All good. We end the adventure with lunch in Glacier Park at Lake McDonald.
the reward for facing my fears? Huckleberry beer!

Lake McDonald

Glacier Park Cedars Hike

Tuesday July 10, 2012 Continues...we can't get enough pictures of this beautiful place! Endless waterfalls take our breath away, rivers pounding through big boulders make us feel like ants, and tall tall Cedars remind us of how tiny we really are in this majestic landscape! It is agreed that this is our favorite National Park thus far. The Cedars is a short hike that takes you through...yes you guessed it, many cedar trees but there is also an incredible gorge of water that we just wanted to sit and stare at for hours. Hark! Huckleberry desserts are calling our names! Much deserved after a hard day of hiking..so if you are ever in this neck of the woods you need to stop at the town of Hungry Horse and go to the Huckleberry Patch for huckleberry everything!

Glacier Park Hidden Lake Hike

Tuesday July 10, 2012
Glacier Park beckons us with its majestic mountain peaks, waterfalls, lakes and wildlife! We head straight to the top of 'Going to the Sun Road', Logan's Pass, elevation 6646. Quite a few trails take off from the visitors center there but we narrowed it down to two and since one of those is closed due to heavy snow that leaves us with 'Hidden Lake'! A beautiful hike up across a snow field. Plenty of touristas also known as bear bait. No bears to be seen but the overlook to the lake rewarded us with views of mountain goats and big horn sheep. Pretty cool! Sherry's mom and dad did a stellar job of navigating the snowy, slippery slopes. Pretty stinkin awesome for folks in their 70's, they rocked it! No running on this trail! One slip and you go for a long slide that ends over the edge of an eternal drop. Lunch, pictures and sunburns later we are headed back down the road. Beautiful hike.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Marathon Day!

Are you wondering where we have been? Back woods of Montana with no internet! With some neighborly help we are connected once again! Great marathon, great venue, great everything. See our pictures below.
mile 17

sweet success!

Sunday July 8, 2012 was a beautiful sunny day in Missoula Montana! Temps started at 60 degrees at 6 a.m. and were near 80 degrees when we finished. Some finishers had to experience the 90's later in the day! 1100 people ran the marathon. The runners were very friendly, the community was welcoming and supportive with loads of sprinklers, ice chests of ice, witty signs and music! Highlights were a genuine cowboy on horseback at mile 14 and a tuxedoed pianist on a front lawn at mile 16. The race was very well organized. This is year 6 for them and it is put on by a runners club, and you can tell, they think of everything. Now down to the good stuff...this was my first marathon and Sherry's 20th. She coached me up to and through the race and stuck by my side the whole way! I knew she could do it! Haha! We had determined a goal time of 4:30 and we came in at 4:23 and some cents. Very happy with the run and within hours I was talking about the next marathon...hmmm....so many to choose from! Stay tuned...more Montana adventures to come!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. -Mahatma Gandhi
We are pretty sure that Gandhi did not ever run a marathon but he certainly knew a thing or two about a strong will. There is no doubt that we will need the physical capacity and strength that we have gained over the last 5 months of marathon training but it is the 'indomitable will' that Gandhi refers to that will carry us across the finish line. First for Katie and 20th for Sherry!
You too have gained great strength over the past months in your Metabolic Training, and you too may be tested as to your ability to pull from deep inside the 'will' to workout on your own. Stay strong in mind and body. Tune into our blog for updates on our Marathon and Montana adventures. We invite you to share your adventures and comments as well.