Sunday, July 27, 2014

Rocky Mountain High?

With recent law changes, there is now one more way to legally "get high" in Colorado.  As most of you know, we recently visited the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and we must confess that we did get high on cannabinoids while there.  However, the cannabinoids that we indulged in were the byproduct of exercising at an elevation of 9000 plus feet.

For many years the "runner's high", or that feeling of calm or euphoria that some people experience during or after exercise, has been attributed to endorphins.  Endorphins were first credited for inducing the runner's high back in the 1980s when researches discovered increased blood levels of the substance after prolonged workouts.  Endorphins are the body's own opiates, with receptors and actions very similar to those of the pain reliever morphine.  Matthew Hill, a postdoctoral fellow at Rockefeller University in New York, disputes the endorphin-produced runner's high, saying that endorphins are composed of relatively large molecules which are unable to pass the blood-brain barrier, and therefore, cannot have an effect on the mind.  And now more current research supports that a different neurochemical system within the body is more likely responsible for those euphoric feelings.

In 2003 scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology found that 50 minutes of hard running on a treadmill or riding a stationary bicycle significantly increased blood levels of endocannabinoid molecules.  Years before this study the endocannabinoid system was mapped when scientists were determining how cannabis, aka marijuana, acts upon the body.  They found that receptors in the brain and body allow the active ingredient in marijuana to bind to the nervous system and set off reactions that reduce pain and anxiety and induce a sense of well-being.  Perhaps even more interesting though, they discovered that with the appropriate stimuli the body creates its own cannabinoids.  These cannabinoids are small enough to cross the blood-brain barrier leading researchers to believe that it could be the cannabinoids found in the blood after exercise that are affecting the brain.

These findings have sparked numerous other studies to try to determine exactly what role endocannabinoids play in the body's reaction to exercise.  Another interesting finding comes from an experiment where groups of mice were assigned either to run on wheels or sip a sweetened drink.  Running and slurping sugar were previously identified as pleasurable behaviors in animals.  The researchers in this study saw that both activities lit up and sensitized portions of the animals' endocannabinoid systems, intimating that the endocannabinoid connection may lend both exercise and dessert their appeal.

More research is needed to prove or disprove some of these initial findings, but what we do know from our own experiment of two is that running over 20 miles and doing HIIT and TRX Tabata at an elevation of 9000 feet is really, really hard.  But the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the run or workout is definitely a Rocky Mountain High.  And apparently the chocolate and peach pie that we indulged in as a reward extended that Rocky Mountain High.  So the next time you are looking for a mood lift, skip the funny brownie and go for a run...  and maybe treat yourself to that piece of chocolate afterwards.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Exercise for Transformation

Transform: change the form of (Old French), change in shape, metamorphose, to form, undergo a change from (Latin).
Not seeing what you expected?

This picture is worth a laugh, but the reality is that you have looked in the mirror and wished you could magically change something about your body.  But what if part of the transformation isn't as much about your body as it is your mental point of view? Each time your trainers look in the mirror one of them gives her butt the evil eye as if it will suddenly be scared into a transformation of perfection, and the other gives her gut the look that should make it shrink to perfection.  But alas, neither happens. Anyone else looks at what we see as obvious problems and laughs at how ridiculous we are being. The point is that you can work really hard and you will see good results from consistent and effective workouts, but be honest with yourself, you will not be perfect. So stop sweating perfection! Whew! Now you know you are not going to be perfect.  Sorry to burst your bubble but we survived and so will you. Lol.

 Here is the mental part.  Find a noble motivation that comes from deep inside. This motivation is very personal.  It is your driver. Maybe it is to have quality of life as you age so that you can enjoy the lives of your children and grandchildren. Maybe it is quality of life that keeps heart disease and cancers to a minimum. Maybe it is the thought of someone you know and love, or even someone you don't know, having to bathe you, feed you and so on. Maybe it is the desire to maximize your full potential and enjoy doing sports or other outdoor activities. Whatever it is, make it your primary driver. Secondary drivers are helpful in keeping us working toward what we want to see, but are more shallow, and perhaps even vain.  I want to fit into my prom tux/dress for my 20th or 40th reunion. Sorry, couldn't resist. Secondary drivers can also be the thing that you bring to the fore of your thoughts when you are in the middle of what seems like 1000 push ups in 40 seconds. These are more like mantras. Drive, drive, drive. Push, push, push. I am strong. I am a warrior. This is easy. Almost there. Push hard, push harder, push harder.  5 seconds!!! I made it! These mantras or words have your complete focus so when your non-exercising trainer is saying 'you are almost there, give it all you got', you don't hear a word! Now that is motivation!

Now that you have figured out what you are working toward, let's see why High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the best types of training to get you there.  HIIT is a broad term that covers many types of workouts that are hard and fast with significant calorie after-burn. This type of training, when combined with walking on off days and eating a balanced, healthy diet, is highly effective. The training you do with SMART Fitness is high intensity training. Most of our workouts combine cardio intervals with weights.  For you to get the most out of it you need to push as hard as you can.  Each exercise should be an all out 100% effort that requires you to take a self imposed rest. The rest periods last as long as it takes for you to resume working at a high intensity.  It may be a few seconds or a few minutes.

Unlike some other types of training, the two rules that we never want you to break in order to maintain intensity of training are safety and form.  NUMBER ONE!  Listen to your body and if something hurts in a bad way, stop!  "Hurts in a bad way" means joint pain or any pain other than muscle burn and lungs on fire.   Rule number two is to rest when you cannot maintain good form. If you look like a drunken sailor trying to lift dumbbells then you need to rest.

That really hard push (and we mean 100%, not the 'hard push' where you pace yourself) causes a hormonal trigger of responses in your body that turn your body into a turbo charging, calorie burning machine. If you baby yourself in this training...your results will be limited. Initially you will see some strength gains and cardio improvements but then you will tend to plateau. As you become more fit you have to continue to up your personal challenge. If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.

With that said, there are circumstances where fitness is more about maintenance than significant changes. We also see and know that many of you have reached a body weight and composition that is healthy and you are satisfied with where you are.  Perhaps your goal now is as simple as "just keep on doing because it's working".  And while we know that physically that is a great place to be, sometimes mentally it can be more challenging to hold onto the motivation to just keep on doin'.  Remember the "personal" in our trainings.  All of our trainings are easily modified or progressed according to your needs and we can help you fine tune your fitness program.

This is an opportunity for you to evaluate where you are with this training. Whether you are new or have been doing it for several years, make sure you are on the right track with it. Are you  pushing yourself or have you gotten in a rut? By exercising you are doing the right thing. This blog only touches the tip of the iceberg so if we can assist you in some way, or you have questions please don't hesitate to ask us. Keep moving forward and smile!

-Your Personal Trainers

Monday, July 14, 2014

Metabolic Warriors Race

Holly and Kathleen pushed the bar by running in Flagstaff's Mt Eldon Race this past weekend! That means they ran straight up a hill! Congratulations Warriors!

Warriors on the Move!

Merenna and family are having fun at the ranch! Montana, we think.
Blaine and Ellen in Bend Oregon. Paulina Lakes Trail. Looks like a good place to visit!
Blaine and Ellen are staying active with another beautiful hike! Devil's Lake Hike in Oregon.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Rogue Weekend Warriors

Rogue TRX'ers showed up despite the week off-awesome! What did they do?
We know Joe did at least one amazing row!
Janelle and Lori got a handle on a single handle row...good team effort!
Oh! The big reward or was this the whole workout? We will never never know!

Good sense of humor from our Warriors. Thanks for the laughs:)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fitness Fun at the Playground

Only your SMART Fitness Trainers could have this much fun at a playground.  We promised you something new in the month of July.  Could this be a sneak preview? 

One of our Warriors called a recent workout a BOF workout.  Hmm...  never heard that term before.  He then clarified, Butts on Fire.  So why not keep the fire going?

Seems like monkeys should have bigger lats.

Katie didn't tell me another part of the anatomy is supposed to go in the swing.

If you are going to hang upside down from a bar you may as well make the most of it and work those abs.

Hard to tell which way is up with so little oxygen up here.

Katie tried to sit down on the job but couldn't find a soft spot.

Not bad for someone who doesn't like bridges.

Been practicing your pull ups?

What happens when trainers get bored at a playground.

No greater reward for a hard workout than mom's homemade peach and rhubarb pies. Notice they are more than half gone and look who's holding the evidence.

So far we have both survived a six mile run that felt like we were running straight up a mountain for the first mile and a half and a really high intensity workout at just over 9000 feet in the Rocky Mountains so we are confident that all you Warriors will power through whatever is coming your way next week!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Keep moving and keep motivated

Your trainers are beginning their vacation.  Our "week off" is a vacation from leading fitness trainings, but it is not a week off from activity and fun.  For us, an active vacation is the best vacation.  We intend to hike, bike, run, and perhaps come up with some fun new TRX exercises in the mountains of Colorado.  Yeah, we know, many of you think we are just a little off.

We hope that during your week off from training you will not feel guilty about not touching those dumbbells.  But we also hope that you have made your health and fitness a core part of your life and that you will take this week to try something that you have been wanting to get back to, or perhaps try something entirely new.

Think outside the box and have some fun.  Pictured below is one of our personal training clients.  Rowena just recently celebrated her 60th year by being in the best shape of her life.  In the picture she is staying active during her time away from Sedona by working out with a weighted Hoola Hoop!

Metabolic Warriors already in action! Stacey participated in a 5k race in Flagstaff this past Thursday. A big part of the fun was a very dark race with lots of glow sticks. You might recognize Calvin too! He was support crew;)

So have some fun with it and stay motivated to keep moving and come back strong!  If you need a little extra motivation, following are some quotes that inspire us: