Monday, December 24, 2012

Your Fitness Trainers are Human Too

We often receive looks of disbelief or shock when we acknowledge that while we are dedicated to a lifestyle that embraces wellness and fitness, it is not always easy.  Believe it or not, your fitness trainers don't always love leaving a warm and cozy bed to run into the cold and darkness at 6:00 am.  We also have some aches and pains and arthritis that can make it difficult to get moving.  We have family obligations and events that come up that can make it challenging to stay on a regular workout schedule.  And yes, we even admit to falling off the healthy eating wagon and succumbing to comfort foods or decadent desserts on occasion. 

How have we been successful in making fitness a part of our lives for many years?  It was a process of trial and error and learning what works for us to make healthy eating and fitness a habit.  Even when you think you have it down, you will need to continue to adjust and adapt because our lives and bodies are always changing.  Each of you is an experiment of one which means that what works for one person, or even the majority of people, may not work for you.  Finding what works for you will take time and will have successes and failures.  Doctor and Personal Trainer Jade Teta said, "Failure is often seen as the opposite of success but it isn't.  Failure is the fuel of success.  No failure...  no lessons, no lessons...  no learning, no learning...  no change."

Here are some tips that have helped us make fitness a lifestyle and to stay consistent during those rough times.

Exercise time is YOU time.  We often spend most of our day doing things for others or things we don't really care to do.  By giving yourself the gift of exercise you are a better mother, father, spouse, co-worker, employee, etc.  You can't take care of others or give your best if you don't take care of yourself.

Remember how you feel after you workout.  Exercise produces hormones that make us feel better both physically and mentally.  You will also enjoy that feeling of accomplishment and success when you stay consistent and push through those challenging days.  You gain both a physical and mental strength.

Find a workout buddy.  We can vouch 100% that having a workout buddy makes it easier to stay committed to your workout program.  Workout buddies provide motivation and accountability.  Even when you are attending a small group training or class, it is easier with a workout buddy.

Set challenging but achievable goals.  We often think of fitness goals in terms of weight loss but there are many other types of goals that can keep us moving forward and successful.  Other examples of goals could be a smaller waist measurement, number of days to workout for the month, number of miles to run, or being able to do a full push up.  Set your goal and track it.

Rewards.  When you reach your goal, give yourself a reward.  Treat yourself to those smaller pants or take yourself to a movie. 

Let's carry the momentum we have gained this year into the New Year determined to continue that process of learning what works for each of us and stay on the path to success to leading healthier lives.

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