Monday, February 3, 2014

SMART Warriors Shine at the Sedona Marathon

SMART Fitness was proudly represented once again at the 9th Annual Sedona Marathon Event.  We had 11 Warriors take part in the 5k, 10k and Half Marathon distances. 

Congratulations to Susana, Christian and Gabby. Susana took charge of our Metabolic Kids and they put in a strong performance in the 5k race.

Merenna participated in the 5k distance and Stacey motivated her entire family to come out.  Stacey, her husband, and her mother participated in the 5k.  Calvin has run numerous 5k and 10k events and decided to raise the bar at this year's race and completed his first half marathon.  Not only did he complete it, but he placed second in his age group.  Way to go Calvin!

Stacey's team wasn't alone in making it a family event.  Heather participated with her family in the 5k.  Sedona Roadrunner Judy ran the 10k and Kate showed her strength in the 10k as well.

Diane continued her tradition of running the challenging half marathon course and year after year has steadily climbed in the rankings as she continues to improve her time.  This year she was first in her age group, first Sedona finisher and 8th woman overall.  Amazing job!

And finally, your Warrior Trainers.  Katie was planning on running the 5k with Christian until Susana stepped in to take over the job.  That left Katie the option of racing the event.  The downside is that the decision was made only a few minutes before the race start so she had not done a proper warm up.  The up side is, she was spared all the pre-race jitters (which means maybe you don't need to rely on those lovely porta potties).  She ran a great race, placing first in her age division and 7th woman overall.  WOW!

Since I have run the full marathon and the half marathon in Sedona a number of times, and perhaps gained a little wisdom, I opted for the 10k.  I was not spared the pre-race jitters which left me once again, for what seems like the millionth time, asking why in the world I was doing this.  Ultimately, I guess the answer is that I can't resist the challenge.  Final result was first Sedona woman and 3rd woman overall.  I did the math and the two teens who beat me could be my grandchildren.  So, that made me feel, not old, but older and STRONGER. 

Congratulations to everyone who stepped up to the challenge!  It's not too early to start thinking about next year.

1 comment:

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