Thursday, April 3, 2014

Inspired by a 94 Year Old World Class Athlete

First, I must give credit to Rowena, a client who has inspired both of us in ways she may never know. I was so impressed with her solid form, precise execution of exercises, and ability to deliver what looks like gut wrenching I asked what her athletic background was...nothing. Nothing?! She has made an amazing transformation in her body and in her mind. When I look at what she does I see a 29 year old.  However, she is a few years older than 29. So it was incredibly moving when she sent a video of a 94 year old woman who began her fitness at the age of 70 and said it reminded her of us!

So here is our POV....
1. Age doesn't matter.  Being active is a state of mind that moves a totally capable body.
2. Where there is a will there is a way. There are no road blocks that you can't break down because in some way, no matter how small or large, you can do something. You just need to find your will or motivation and to be successful it needs to come from inside of you, not be solely based on external things.
3. A dog of any age can learn new tricks. A positive mindset does not mean you are not realistic about your circumstances. It means that you put one foot in front of the other because there is no other direction but FORWARD. If you are not moving are dead or on your way.
4. If you are breathing, it is never too late to start being active. Quality of life improves, energy levels increase, moods are uplifted, endurance increases, mobility is improved, strength increases, muscle coordination improves and memories are stimulated plus much more.
5. No matter who you are you are positively impacting someone around you. So do it for your own health but think of the impact on friends, family, neighbors and others that don't know you but they see you being active. What a cool gift to pass on! Be inspired as we were by Olga at the age of 94!

Please advance to the next blog to view the video.

Thank you Rowena!

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