Monday, March 4, 2013

Are you ready for change?

Have you ever found yourself saying, "After my diet is over...", or "I have to lose 15 pounds for my son's wedding, or my high school reunion"?  If so, you are looking for a temporary fix to a long term problem.  What happens AFTER the diet or AFTER the wedding?  Most people gain back everything they lost, and more. 

Are you a complainer?   Complaining is a waste of time and if you are complaining you are using your energy to keep yourself stuck.  Complaining can be a way to avoid taking responsibility for change.  For instance, complaining that "everyone in my family is overweight" can be an excuse to avoid taking responsibility and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Are you continually looking for the perfect weight loss plan or diet?  If so, you are stalling and wasting your time.  There is no "one size fits all" perfect weight loss plan.  Each of our bodies is unique, and we all have different schedules and deal with life's demands and pressures in varying ways.  All of these factors influence our ability to lose body fat and weight. 

If you are ready to dump to diet idea, stop complaining, and are willing to accept that there is no "perfect plan" that is going to get you to your weight loss goal, then you are ready for change.  Change is a process.  It happens through trial and error to determine what eating and exercising strategy works best for your personality and metabolism.  As we have emphasized before, make one manageable change at a time.  Once you have made that change a part of your lifestyle, move on to the next change.  Eventually you will have an eating and exercising program that will enable you to be successful in sustaining long term change.  "All appears to change when we change."  ~ Henri Frederic Amiel.

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