Monday, March 11, 2013

Fitness Machine Myths

True or False?

Setting the elliptical machine at a higher incline provides a better workout.

False.  Setting the elliptical at a low incline with the highest resistance at which you can maintain at least 120 RPMs is a much better option.  When you use a high incline on the elliptical you are actually using your body weight to propel the machine vertically.  A lower incline setting forces you to use your muscles to propel your legs and feet horizontally, therefore, requiring more effort.

Setting the treadmill at a higher speed or incline and using the handrails is better than going slower.

False.  Using the handrails on the treadmill prevents your body from working naturally when you walk or run.  Typically you would swing your arms in rhythm with your stride.  Holding onto the rails changes your posture and stride, and allows your core to be disengaged during your workout.  Over time, this can lead to imbalances and injuries.  The only time the handrails should be used is for safety.

The Fat Burning Program on the machine is the best choice for burning fat and losing weight.

False.  This option on cardio machines is very misleading.  Research does support that when you exercise at a lower percentage of your maximum heart rate, you burn a higher percentage of fat as fuel.  HOWEVER, since you are working at a lower intensity, you are burning fewer calories OVERALL.  A much better approach is to select the interval program or perform intervals manually by increasing your intensity or pace to a very hard effort for 30 to 60 seconds followed by recovery at an easy intensity for 1 to 2 minutes.  By doing intervals you will not only increase your calorie burn during your workout, but you will create an "afterburn" which will continue to burn calories post-workout.

Our preference is to be outside to walk, run, bike, hike, TRX, or whatever the activity may be.  But we realize that life and schedules don't always permit us to exercise outdoors, so for those times that you need to take your exercise indoors to cardio machines, be safe and challenge yourself to get the most out of your workout time.

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