Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bio of a Metabolic Warrior: Steve

Steve is and has been a proponent of fitness as long as we have known him. We first crossed paths with him when he signed up for a membership at a local fitness center that we both worked at. All we knew is that he was the principal at Big Park and that he was dedicated to his workouts. So a number of years later when we found ourselves in need of a place to host our Metabolic Trainings guess who we ended up crossing paths with again? Yes, it was Steve. If I am honest I have to admit that Steve cuts an imposing figure.  He is tall, his arms are buff, and he is broad shouldered.  His legs are well defined from years of being active. Skip forward. I was sitting in the school office waiting for him to arrive for our meeting and I was more than a little intimidated...even felt like the kid waiting for the principal. I didn't have to wait long but guess what...when he did come in he had to deal with a less than cooperative junior high student. I got to see the appropriately timed authoritative side of him as he dealt with the student...GULP I'm next! Do you know that he is the biggest teddy bear I have had the privilege of knowing? Don't be thrown off by this big man's stature.  He has a mischievous twinkling in his eyes and a smile that makes the world right side up. This is our interview with Steve.


1. What is your age? 70

2. What is/or was your career? Education, most recently as Principal of Big Park School.

3. What is your history with fitness? I have always worked out. I try to do something strenuous six days a week. I played racquetball and basketball in my younger years, slowed down in my 50's on those sports. Took part in the running craze back in the late 70's and early 80's. Ran a lot of 10k races, longest race was a 20k. I was never fast so winning a race was never in my mind. I did a mini-triathlon 4/5 years ago in Anthem and I have done several Sedona half marathons (mostly walking).

4. What prompted you to start Metabolic? After listening to my staff (who took advantage of the program being offered at the school) telling me how much they liked the program, liked Katie and Sherry and how difficult it was, I decided I needed to try it. First class I have ever taken.

5. How long have you been working with Smart Fitness? I think about two years.

6. What expected benefits have you gained from Metabolic? Better core strength, always feel good at end of the 30 minutes, better balance, I can tell my cardio is getting a good workout. They really vary the exercises week to week so all muscle groups get attention.

7. What unexpected benefits have you gained from Metabolic?  I found out I still have abs - smiles.  I thought they disappeared in my 40's.

8. What keeps you going or inspires you with Metabolic/Smart Fitness?  The camaraderie of all of us who do it twice a week, encouraging each other, builds a sense of team. And the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day.

9. What hurdles have you had to overcome to succeed in consistently attending Metabolic?  Torn rotator cuff surgery on left shoulder and carpal tunnel surgery to both hands in the last year are the physical hurdles, being in Maine for three months and doing the program on my own was tough.

10. How do you successfully manage to make fitness a priority 2x’s a week or more?  I have always made time during the day for some sort of physical activity - it is a priority.

11. How has working with Smart Fitness impacted your life, point of view, changed your outlook on fitness?  I feel better physically, lost a couple of inches around the waist, and it reinforced my feelings on the importance of  being in shape.  If I am in good physical shape, then I feel much better all around - mentally and emotionally.

12. What message do you want to share with the reader as a take away from your story?  Father time marches on but being in shape can definitely slow it down.

Our summation: Steve has twice been gone over the summers and done all the metabolic programs on his own and we know from personal experience that this is a really difficult thing to do. Steve is living testimony to better quality of life for having kept fitness as a lifestyle. He is proof that you can always succeed in your fitness endeavors if you make it a priority.  

Thank you Steve for sharing your story for inspiration to our readers. You have been of tremendous encouragement to us Fitness Trainers.

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