Anyone who has been a Warrior for even a short amount of time probably knows Jackie, and knows that Jackie is all about extra credit or bonus points. I have "known" Jackie since I moved to Sedona in 2005. Looking back I have to concede that I would have given her many bonus points for her fitness, even prior to becoming a Metabolic Warrior. I first came to know Jackie through a local gym where she consistently showed up morning after morning, week after week, year after year. Score some bonus points Jackie! I am not sure how long it was before Jackie asked a few questions about some exercises she would see me doing in the gym. She clearly was looking to try some new things and challenge herself. Score some more bonus points Jackie! Then Jackie got to witness Katie and I doing metabolic training in our own workouts for about a year before we formally offered it. Jackie asked more questions and then eventually tried the training. Score major bonus points Jackie! We are still working on finding something that Jackie can cash in those bonus points for, but until then here is Jackie's story.
More bonus points for a great speed skater Jackie!
1. Career? Writer
2. Age? 52
3. History
of activity/fitness?
As a kid I
was always outside playing sports with the neighborhood boys. The only girl
around played with her dolls and never went outside, but I played basketball,
football, rode my bike, skateboard and motorbike. I was a tomboy. In high
school I played all sports until I injured my knee. However, all my adult life
I tried to stay active, going to the gym, windsurfing, biking, etc.
4. What
prompted you to start Metabolic?
I had
known Sherry and Katie from the gym – they are early birds like me and I
saw them experimenting with the concept of metabolic at the gym. They’d
get on the elliptical machine for just a few minutes, going real fast and hard,
then do some dumbbell exercises, go back to cardio, etc. When they started the
class I figured it would be a good way to challenge myself.
5. How
long working with Smart Fitness/Metabolic?
I honestly
don’t remember, but a couple of years I would guess.
6. What
expected benefits have you gained from Metabolic?
not sure it was expected, but I’m a lot stronger, I can see muscle
definition in my arms and I’ve lost weight.
7. What
unexpected benefits have you gained from Metabolic?
I can now
do a push up….grudgingly.
Actually, I’m not sure that is a benefit…
8. What
keeps you going or inspires you with Metabolic/Smart Fitness?
What I
enjoy the most are the participants. I had done some fitness classes when I was
California, but the people were so competitive with one another that it wasn’t
that much fun. It was very intense and I swear, no one smiled.
Here, it is a joy, there is a lot of joking and a great camaraderie with
everyone. It isn’t so serious that you can’t laugh, but it is
still a very tough and challenging workout.
9. What
hurdles have you had to overcome to succeed in consistently attending Metabolic?
(emotional, physical, mental)
For years
had a serious problem with low blood sugar and the first time I went to the
class, it was early in the morning and I had eaten a half a banana before
class. And I really suffered. It was scary with my blood sugar dropping way too
much and I thought perhaps it just wasn’t for me. Then I attended the
afternoon session and I was fine, so that gave the encouragement that I could
I also consistently
attend since I know that if I miss a class, Sherry will make me make up for it
with more push ups. That keeps me on the straight and narrow. J
10. How do
you successfully manage to make fitness a priority 2x’s a week or more?
Since I
thoroughly enjoy it, I make a priority. Actually, it’s
such a priority now that my family and friends all know not to ask me to do
something social on Monday or Wednesday nights, and they know that if that is the
only time to get together, that I’m going to be late meeting up with
11. How
has working with Smart Fitness impacted your life, point of view, changed your
outlook on fitness?
UGH. Let
me think….The dogs suffer on Monday and Wednesday summer nights when
they want to go for a long walk at dusk and I tell them it has to be a short
walk. I just want to chill. So it has adversely impacted them, but the trade off
is that I’m more fit. I guess another benefit is that they’ve
come to realize that they don’t get everything they want.
12. What
message do you want to share with the reader as a take away from your story?
tried to get friends to join, or at least try it, but they tend to think the
group is super fit and they wouldn’t fit in. So I would say to anyone
that is reluctant to join because they think it might be too hard, that
everyone goes at their own pace and there is no pressure from the trainers. I
mean they definitely push us and that’s for our good and we are challenged
every week, but there is no condemnation if we don’t
quite keep up or we need an alternate exercise so we don’t
adversely impact a tender joint. I think that’s what helps make it so enjoyable.