Monday, November 10, 2014

Arizona Fit Kids 5k 2014

Once again we had some of our Warriors participating in the annual Fit Kids 5k in Cottonwood.  This is a great event that encourages kids and families to get out and do something active and fun together.  As the emcee looked around at the crowd gathering before the race he noted that "he didn't see any adults present".  Thank you, from us "older kids".

Stacey had her game face on and was ready to run!

This was Kate's first Fit Kids 5k and she said she ran "way faster" than running by herself.  

I challenged Calvin to show me his "fast feet" to the finish line and the race was on!

I verified the research that says that as you get "older" you can't transport quite as much oxygen to those working muscles.  But if you keep pushing your limits, it's not that much less :-)

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