Monday, November 10, 2014

Bio of a Metabolic Warrior: Merenna

Montana Merenna is my first memory of Merenna!  Back in 2001 my husband and I moved into the same neighborhood as Merenna and her husband and quickly got acquainted. They were some of the first people we met here and they made a lasting impression because we found out that they were from the same tiny town in Montana that we were from!!! So that immediately made them special in our eyes.  But beside that, Merenna is easily recognizable with her beautiful smile, trade mark blonde hair, quick wit and glow of health. This vibrant woman in no way personifies or resembles her age. She exudes youthfulness from the inside to the outside. Read on to learn more.

Date of Interview: 10-16-2014

What is your age? 72...there, now you know:)

What is or was your career? Owner of Rader & Morrow Health Concepts, a nutrition business we have had since 1967. Owner of Marigolds here in the Village and various real estate ventures which keep accumulating.

What is your history of activity/fitness? Exercise has always been very important to me and my family. At a very young age I started in dance and because of that, exercise has always been a part of my life. When our boys were young, we always inspired them to be active in sports. We played tennis. I was on a softball team with several New York Yankee wives (that was fun) when we lived on the East Coast. We are original members of the Hilton Spa, long before it was ever called that. Because of my interest in nutrition and exercise, Smart Fitness was a natural progression.

What prompted you to start Metabolic Training? At the time Sherry and Katie started this training I was bored with my training schedule. I would see them come to the spa and do their training in the exercise room each week. I thought to myself that it looked like something I would like to participate in. When I found out the classes were 30 minutes long my interest was really peaked and after my first week or two in their training, I was hooked!

How long have you been working with SMART Fitness/Metabolic? Three years in January.

What expected benefits have you gained from Metabolic? I wanted to be physically stronger when I joined Metabolic. Hiking mountain trails with my sons at 5-8,000 feet plus is not an easy thing to do for someone who is not in top physical condition.  They give me no slack and don't wait for me to take a rest. I wanted to be able to keep up with them on the family outings-I can do that now. They love being able to give me the 'high five'!

What unexpected benefits have you gained from Metabolic? The greatest benefit I have received from the class other than the obvious of being more physically fit is the positive reinforcement I get from my family. They are so happy that I continue with the classes and love being able to come to class with me they are in town. SMART Fitness has actually gotten our son, Tim, to enroll in classes in Scottsdale and it has gotten our daughter-in-law, Pauli, to aspire to greater training. She now does a similar class at 5:30 a.m., goes to work and cares for our two little grandsons. I am impressed.

What keeps you going or inspires you with Metabolic/SMART Fitness?  I am always inspired to come to class-I really love to see if I can personally meet the weekly challenge; I love to see my fitness friends each week. I think we inspire each other to do better. I like that. Everyone is positive and happy, I like to be with happy people.

What hurdles have you had to overcome to succeed in consistently attending Metabolic? I pretty much knew I was going to consistently attend SMART Fitness trainings after the first few classes. I knew I had aches and pains when I left but I could also feel the benefits of the class. I was bored with my trainings at the Spa and knew I needed to do more. Sherry and Katie push me to my limits, I like that. That is something I find hard to do for myself. Coming to class for me is challenging but fun; I find it a bigger hurdle for me to get over mentally when I have to miss a class.

How do you successfully manage to make fitness a priority two times a week or more? Fitness has always been a part of my life; it is something I schedule into my day, just like having lunch. It is good for me and I simply make it part of the day. It is that important. I find that Metabolic Training with SMART Fitness fits into my schedule easily. I love the 30 minute time frame it takes to optimize my needed fitness program into my schedule. My boys consistently remind me, "Mom, use it or lose it! It is up to you!"

How has working with SMART Fitness impacted your life, point of view, changed your outlook on fitness? SMART Fitness has had such a positive impact on my life. I feel stronger, I am stronger! I don't feel challenged when my boys say "lets go for a hike, Mom" I know I can pretty much keep up with them now! That makes me smile.

What message do you want the reader to take away from your story? You are as old you mind tells you. If you keep a positive attitude about life, "I can do it attitude" and never give up, you will reap great rewards. SMART Fitness is a wonderful tool to keep you motivated and on track with your fitness goals no matter what your age may be. It is all about the mind and spirit. I hope to continue with SMART Fitness for many years to come. I may eventually have to do less but I will never give up. I will continue with SMART Fitness as long as I can.

Thank you Merenna for your inspiring story. Keep on conquering those Colorado Mountains with your boys and pumping out full body push ups like a GI!

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