Monday, July 1, 2013

Workout HARD, Recover HARD

You know by now that when you show up for one of our trainings, you are showing up to train hard!  We see you give 100% and we want you to get the most for your efforts.  If you don't pay as much attention to your recovery as you do to your workout, you are not maximizing your gains.  We have emphasized the importance of recovery days in between your training where you combine easy cardio workouts and rest days, but there are additional steps you can take to enhance your recovery and help your body heal naturally.

Proper nutrition plays a key role not only in recovery but in injury prevention as well.  Processed foods such as refined grains and sugars and artificial sweeteners all increase systemic inflammation and detract from our body's ability to heal itself.  Removing acidifying foods from your diet such as dairy, wheat, alcohol and soft drinks can also improve healing.  Acid producing foods cause minerals to be drawn from the muscles and bones in order to neutralize the acid which prevents the tissues from healing.

Enough of the diet "don'ts"...   what can we include in our diets that will aid our recovery?  Protein, protein, protein!  Protein is required to repair all body tissues and to build new cells.  Try putting some of that protein on top of a salad.  Dark leafy greens are high in essential vitamins and minerals which can help strengthen bones and connective tissues.  Also try to include omega-3 and turmeric in your diet as these have been proven to have strong anti-inflammatory properties. 

Regular massage can also be a great tool for improving recovery.  Massage can help realign the body by releasing knotted muscles that may be putting strain on the body.  Releasing the knots will also improve blood flow which allows nutrients and oxygen to flow properly to help promote healing. 

Finally, we'll say it again...  REST!  We have repeated over and over again that physical and mental stress will throw off our hormone balance and will impair our ability to lose weight, gain muscle, and recover.  So show up, work hard, and put as much effort into your recovery as you do your workout.

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